Saturday, June 12, 2010

As government considers Sunday change, archbishop emphasizes day's Christian meaning

Archbishop Ulloa Mendieta of Panama City, Panama said this week the Christian meaning of Sunday, the day on which “the Church invites us to participate in Sunday Mass, to wear our Sunday best and sit down at the table with family and friends.”

According to the Fides news agency, the archbishop made his statements in response to the government’s plan to declassify Sunday as a day of rest in order to increase economic activity.

“Not just for Christians, but for all men and women (this day) has great importance and significance, and this recognition should not only be formal but also real, allowing the Sunday rest for all workers,” the archbishop said in a recent homily.

He reiterated that people have a right to rest, especially now that “science and technology have given man enormous power which he exercises through work.”